We are an asset management company.

Do you want to

  • CREATE new assets or
  • GENERATE a series of cash flows from their assets or
  • EXTEND the life-cycle of their assets

We create, transform and maintains physical assets. We develop ideas and implement concepts, we deploy our engineering and project management strengths to achieve these goals for our clients.

Realize more value

Engineering-We See More

We apply the fundamental principles of physics and chemistry to evaluate the problems at their basic levels. Based on a time tested approach and using the latest knowledge from ISO standards, ANSI, CSA and other applicable bodies of knowledge we use home grown expertise to provide Engineering Services to organizations.

We and our associates have provided expertise in:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Planning

Project Management

ANSI/PMI 0099-2015 and ISO 21500 provide a tried and tested methodology to control the scope, time , cost and risk aspects of the project.
This enables a team of engineers and specialists to work together with a common goal and achieve it in the most economical way, in complete harmony with its surroundings– people, machinery and environment.
While traditional methods of engineering and architecture often work, the additional knowledge of Project Management adds significant value to ensure that the business results are also achieved along with the technical and technological results. This value added work process creates an immense return on investment that can result in a massive benefit to the community.


Asset Management

We apply the fundamental principles of business economics and scientific evaluation of asset in its life-cycle. Asset Management is a critical component of any successful business. In today’s competitive climate, applying the underlying concepts of ISO 55000 enables the highest level of productivity at your disposal.


Healthcare Technology

We bring the Healthcare and technology expertise to your doorstep. We represent Salcit.in and Zensark Technologies Pvt Ltd to unbind lung health by providing technologies to bring healthcare to the people via mobile technology i.e. Telehealth.



Good Business Practice.

Asset management results in better decisions. Aligning management of infrastructure with strategic policies and direction will support the long-term success of your mission, goals and objectives.

Increase Reliability.

Reporting of the cost of asset ownership, a cost element not currently present in the audited financial statements, allows a longer term view of the decision making process. An asset management approach can aide a facility or community to undertake a strategic view and increase reliability of their reporting systems that may be more tactical.

Improved Regulatory Compliance.

Part of asset management involves the implementation of better O&M practices, which can significantly improve compliance.

Reduces Risk.

Structured day-to-day attention to system assets and their condition means that unexpected failures are less likely, thus minimizing emergency repairs, costly lawsuits and customer relations problems. Assessing the risk implications of asset failure helps focus resources on critical priorities and reduces overall risk to the utility.

Long Term System Integrity.

The concept of “sustainable infrastructure” is gaining increased visibility, probably due to the problems in many Canadian cities and towns where sufficient reinvestment in infrastructure has not been made. By relating costs to asset condition and conducting long term planning for each asset, policy makers get the facts they need to help sustain the infrastructure.

Cost Savings.

There is evidence that asset management systems that maintain infrastructure in a sound and reliable condition and are based on minimizing life cycle costs, can significantly reduce operating and maintenance cost, as well as long-term capital expenses. A life cycle approach means that the utility always gets the most assets for its money.

Let’s work together. Contact Us

+1 306 260 3112
